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If you have suicidal thoughts, please call 911 immediately. Medical emergencies must be dealt with through your healthcare provider a hospital or by dialing 911.

There is no warranty or guarantee relating to the content or services on any of 800 Recovery Hub, LLC. web sites, blogs, links, social media post(s) and use of this content is at the user’s own risk. It is up to the user to determine the usefulness and potential benefits and or consequences of the content posted on the aforementioned places.

No Medical Advice offered

If you have suicidal thoughts, please call 911 immediately. Medical emergencies must be dealt with through your healthcare provider a hospital or by dialing 911.

The resources applied to this website should not be taken as medical advice. If you have specific questions regarding a condition, please talk to your physician.

The articles and services offered on the site are intended to be a general resource regarding issues of interest. These resources are intended to be helpful for those seeking treatment for themselves or a loved one, but they do not purport to offer professional, medical, or psychiatric opinions and are no substitute for your healthcare provider, nearest hospital or 911.

This website, links to it our blogs and social media pages are meant to provide information regarding specific treatment options and facilities. We do monitor content posted but we are unable to confirm the accuracy of comment s by posters or statements made by any treatment center. Consequently, the owner of this site 800 Recovery Hub. LLC. cannot be held accountable for any positive or negative experience that an individual has with the information posted on this site or regarding treatment centers. The user acknowledges that he or she uses the information contained within this website, at any of its licensors, or at any of its affiliates at his or her own risk, and that there may be information that some may consider offensive, explicit, incorrect, or outdated. While 800 Recovery Hub, LLC. monitors content as and when possible, we cannot accept responsibility for any suggestions, opinions, advice, or advertising written by these author (s). Users acknowledge that they are responsible for complying with all laws of their state, country, or region.


First amendment opinions

The comments, statements and opinions expressed on this site, our blogs and any site linked to this website are the opinions of the author(s) and belong to the individual poster and are not indicative of the opinions nor are they endorsed by the 800 Recovery, LLC. the owner of this website or its staff, its principles, shareholders, its licensors, or affiliates. Comment and forum areas are reactively moderated, but there may be times when we are unable to remove objectionable content. All statements, comments, remarks and content made or posted on this website are the opinions of the developer of that content.


800 Recovery Hub, LLC. the owner of this website does own other websites and blogs related to or linked to this website. 800 Recovery Hub, LLC. does not have control of the content of third-party sites, nor does it endorse the organizations associated with these links. This website cannot review or moderate all these sites and content and cannot be held responsible for them. Information about these third-party sites are obtained from sources believed to be reliable and accurate; however, due to the possibility of human or mechanical error, any errors or omissions are not our responsibility.