what is the cost of drug rehab

The real cost of using your insurance to pay for drug rehab

Will I Get A Large Bill When Rehab Ends? In other words, what does drug rehab cost? Or, more specifically, what is my cost going to be? When I started looking for a treatment center for my drug-addicted son, who was, I saw some enticing ads. Some of them offered up promises like “up to 100% … Read more

Rehab Placement Story

Our Rehab Placement to Rehab Marketing Story

Our Origin Started in Placing People In Treatment Over four years ago 800 Recovery Hub started offering (for you or your loved) one a variety of no obligation, no cost and always confidential services with the goal of getting you the best care available. We did this for any addiction no matter what your financial … Read more


Up to 100% Coverage for Drug Rehab – Insider Tips

How to get Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Cigna or United HealthCare Insurance to Pay for your Substance Abuse Treatment so you don’t have to It might sound crazy, but it’s possible to get up to 100% of the cost covered. Can you relate to this? After years of substance abuse, you or your loved … Read more

Drug Rehab

Your loved One is Going to Rehab

What to expect….. When your loved one is going to Rehab The first thing to remember is that drug addiction or alcoholism is a complex illness. It’s characterized by intense and uncontrollable drug cravings. These cravings cause irrational, compulsive drug seeking behaviors. So, it only makes sense that going to rehab, is not going to … Read more

addiction disability

Is Alcoholism and Addiction a disability?

The American’s with Disability Act and Addiction The ADA is the American’s with Disabilities Act. There are protections for people who have disabilities. So, a common question is “since Alcoholism and Addiction are considered a disease, is it also a disability. Drug and alcohol abuse and dependence are classified as treatable illnesses by both “standard” … Read more


Naltrexone for Addiction

Fast Facts about Naltrexone for addiction treatment Naltrexone helps you avoid relapse. It is legal and is administered under a doctor’s care. It is NOT just another drug to abuse. Naltrexone is produced under safe conditions and sold legally. There is no risk of getting tainted doses, which can happen with street drugs. You can stop … Read more


Why Should You Go to Rehab in November or December?

What you may not realize about insurance will make you think twice If you have insurance, checking into rehab during the months of January through October is the most cost-effective. However, addiction isn’t “convenient” anytime in a calendar year. Here is what you need to know to make good a good decision regarding the timing … Read more

Alcoholics Anonymous

Things I wish I knew about Alcoholics Anonymous

The misunderstood organization of Alcoholics Anonymous? Providing general information to people about Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a very complicated task for me.  That’s because it can be a polarizing (and sometimes delicate) subject. It shouldn’t be. In short — AA is a non-profit group that helps people with alcohol problems. There’s no leader, there are no religious … Read more

Drug Treatment Insurance

Substance Abuse Insurance

Health Insurance for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Quick Sheet: Millions of people with drug and alcohol abuse problems are now eligible for treatment through the Affordable Care Act. Under the Affordable Care Act, all health insurance plans are required to cover substance abuse treatment as one of 10 “essential health benefits” specified in the … Read more

800 recovery hub

Recovery Resources

Many recovery resources are available to help people seek treatment and sustain recovery. Whichever path a person chooses, it is important that each individual finds the treatment and recovery support that works best for him or her. To assist individuals in reaching out, a variety of organizations that provide information and resources on alcoholism mental … Read more