Drug Rehab

Your loved One is Going to Rehab

What to expect….. When your loved one is going to Rehab The first thing to remember is that drug addiction or alcoholism is a complex illness. It’s characterized by intense and uncontrollable drug cravings. These cravings cause irrational, compulsive drug seeking behaviors. So, it only makes sense that going to rehab, is not going to … Read more

heroin use and trends

Heroin Addiction – Trends

How long with the Heroin Addiction Trend Last? There is an unfortunate trend with Heroin Addiction – more people are suffering from the drugs deadly effects. Why are so many people using this drug?  Despite the risk of overdose, some folks abuse heroin because they are trying to not to feel pain. They may also take … Read more

stay sober

Five ways to test your drug knowledge and stay sober

Once a year there is a national “Drug Awareness Week”.  There are all sorts of local events and learning activities that take place across the US. This is a great to learn about the dangers of drugs  …. but how do you stay sober the rest of the year? I’m glad you asked because the government program … Read more

Alcoholism Withdrawal

Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal

Withdrawal from Drugs and Alcohol I am drinking a lot every day …. . Can I just abruptly stop? No. Detoxing from alcohol is very dangerous. It is safer to be admitted into a medically supervised withdrawal treatment program (rehab). Yesterday, there was a court ruling that upheld the subsidies under ObamaCare that are provided by the government to … Read more

drug and alcohol detox

Drug and Alcohol Detox

What is a Drug and Alcohol Detox? Detoxification is a process to manage withdrawal symptoms. This is done by clearing toxins from a person who is physically dependent on drugs or alcohol. The goal is to minimize physical harm.  Important note: this is different from substance abuse treatment or rehabilitation.  Detox is the medically supervised process to prevent life-threatening problems that … Read more

Prescription Drug Addiction

Prescription Drug Addiction

I have never heard of someone having withdrawal symptoms, because they were craving an aspirin. It’s a silly notion, but the simple issue is that some drugs are not addictive. While taking addictive drugs is sometimes thought of as a problem affecting only “certain groups”, the data on prescription drug addiction tells another story. In … Read more