addiction disability

Is Alcoholism and Addiction a disability?

The American’s with Disability Act and Addiction The ADA is the American’s with Disabilities Act. There are protections for people who have disabilities. So, a common question is “since Alcoholism and Addiction are considered a disease, is it also a disability. Drug and alcohol abuse and dependence are classified as treatable illnesses by both “standard” … Read more


Can Drug Addicts or Alcoholics Tell the Truth?

Alcoholics, Drug Addicts and the Truth If you have ever spent time with someone with a drug addiction problem then you know it’s hard to get a straight answer. Don’t blame yourself. Their stories are always so convincing. The Cycle of Lies You begin to really hate the person and hate yourself because you keep … Read more

Heroin questions and answers

Do you have a burning question about heroin?

Heroin questions? There is so much confusion on the subject of Heroin Addiction In my opinion, most of the people who are addicted to heroin started out taking some kind of pain medication. These medications are classified as opiates or opioids. You might be familiar with the following examples: morphine methadone Buprenorphine hydrocodone oxycodone Opioid … Read more

I am a Parent of a Drug Addict | The Harsh and Surprising Truth

Denial is a big part of addiction When parents have a child who is using drugs, it puts them in an awkward spot. This is particularly true when the child (adult or not) lives at home.  It’s very easy to deny your child has a problem. This is especially true when you are being told … Read more


Drug Intervention Guide

Is my loved one a good candidate for a drug or alcohol intervention? I have some good news. Substance abuse recovery treatment has advanced in the last couple of decades. It’s no longer true required that you have to hit “rock bottom” to get help. A planned drug intervention might possibly be the solution that … Read more

heroin use and trends

Heroin Addiction – Trends

How long with the Heroin Addiction Trend Last? There is an unfortunate trend with Heroin Addiction – more people are suffering from the drugs deadly effects. Why are so many people using this drug?  Despite the risk of overdose, some folks abuse heroin because they are trying to not to feel pain. They may also take … Read more


Naltrexone for Addiction

Fast Facts about Naltrexone for addiction treatment Naltrexone helps you avoid relapse. It is legal and is administered under a doctor’s care. It is NOT just another drug to abuse. Naltrexone is produced under safe conditions and sold legally. There is no risk of getting tainted doses, which can happen with street drugs. You can stop … Read more


Why Should You Go to Rehab in November or December?

What you may not realize about insurance will make you think twice If you have insurance, checking into rehab during the months of January through October is the most cost-effective. However, addiction isn’t “convenient” anytime in a calendar year. Here is what you need to know to make good a good decision regarding the timing … Read more

recovering addicts

Recovering Addicts Share

The Moment They Knew Treatment was the Right Choice I was ready to let that battle go Most of us can identify a defining “aha” moment of our lives: for some, it might be choosing to leave an unhappy marriage, and for others, it could be making a major career change. I recently spoke to … Read more