Drug Rehab

Your loved One is Going to Rehab

What to expect….. When your loved one is going to Rehab The first thing to remember is that drug addiction or alcoholism is a complex illness. It’s characterized by intense and uncontrollable drug cravings. These cravings cause irrational, compulsive drug seeking behaviors. So, it only makes sense that going to rehab, is not going to … Read more

addiction disability

Is Alcoholism and Addiction a disability?

The American’s with Disability Act and Addiction The ADA is the American’s with Disabilities Act. There are protections for people who have disabilities. So, a common question is “since Alcoholism and Addiction are considered a disease, is it also a disability. Drug and alcohol abuse and dependence are classified as treatable illnesses by both “standard” … Read more

Alcoholics Anonymous

Things I wish I knew about Alcoholics Anonymous

The misunderstood organization of Alcoholics Anonymous? Providing general information to people about Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a very complicated task for me.  That’s because it can be a polarizing (and sometimes delicate) subject. It shouldn’t be. In short — AA is a non-profit group that helps people with alcohol problems. There’s no leader, there are no religious … Read more


Stages of Alcoholism

Alcohol Abuse is Difficult to Understand It’s a progressive disease. That’s why we discuss problems with alcohol as stages of alcoholism. People like me who suffer from alcoholism have a hard time understanding the “social drinker”. Having just one drink makes absolutely no sense. What’s the point?  Have one drink, isn’t going to change the … Read more

quick way to embrace sobriety

Five quick ways to embrace sobriety

Here are five quick ways to embrace sobriety. Actually, it’s been 22 years since I have had a mind-altering substance, so I have a lot of tips. But, let’s just keep this as an easy read. Tip #1: Prescription pills can easily be a sobriety “trap” Just because pills are prescribed by a doctor and administered … Read more

Alcoholism Myths

Drug Addiction and Alcoholism Myths

So Many Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Myths Although an estimated 40 million Americans suffer from alcoholism or addiction it is still an often misunderstood disease. We have come a long way from the days when treatment for the alcoholic or addict consisted of strapping them to a table and waiting for withdrawals to stop. Even … Read more


Helping the Alcoholic

Help for the Alcoholic – What your doctor won’t tell you The doctor can’t admit their confusion. How can someone who is reasonable in all areas of their life, act completely insane when it comes to a certain type of beverage. It’s hard to watch. How can someone with two Driving Under the Influence arrests … Read more