Everyone Wants to Know if Rehab Works
In the United States, 1 in every 7 people will be faced with an addiction of some kind. If that is not frightening enough, the Surgeon General of the United States says, less than 10% of people who have fallen prey to addiction will seek treatment.
We can look up rehab centers online and some will brag of very high success rates. But, we cannot accept this at face value. If an addict has graduated from the program and then relapsed, it is unlikely that they will go back to the rehab and tell them. If the rehab has no follow-up program in place (or if they have a weak follow-up program) the numbers are illogical. What they are really saying is not 90% of their patients stay sober, they are saying 90% of their addicts, complete the program. Completing the program is the easy part.
What we know
Addiction robs your loved one of their dignity, self-esteem, and values. When you are being played by your son or daughter, you want to believe them so much, that you bail them out, again and again, hoping this will be the last time.
If loving them could have cured them, they would not be sick. You have loved them beyond all measure and they are still sick. It is time to accept that you are not an authority on this subject. They need a rehab center with a strong program and background.
Your family member has a much stronger chance of success if you find the best drug rehab center, for them.
Types of programs
All rehab programs are not the same. Some supervise them as they go through withdrawal. They make sure that they are not in danger. Some programs recommend letting the patient get sick so they know what to expect if they relapse. However, some addicts cannot go cold turkey. They have mixed so many drugs that their bodies are toxic. Suddenly stopping the drug can cause seizures and even death. This person must be taken off slowly. They are given medication that will stop the craving for the drug. It is still a difficult path.
Sometimes a person is admitted to a hospital. They are sedated and while under sedation, drugs are pumped through their bodies that rid it of all the drugs they have stored. If this was done to a patient that was not sedated, it is doubtful they would go through it. This is an expensive method that few insurance companies will cover. Don’t be afraid to ask for financial aid. See if your church works with any programs. You may get a scholarship to their program if your pastor fills out the papers.
Near or Far?
This can be a major stumbling block for the addict. Many insurances will not cover sending a patient out of state for rehab. Putting this addict in a dry-out phase and then allowing them to return weekly is too much temptation. They are on the same streets. They have the same suppliers. They have their act down to an art, and since they have been through detox, their family is more likely to accept their lies.
It’s time for a change
Sit down with your family and air out all of the resentfulness, anger, and grief that you have gone through while your addict was in control. Put a voice to it. If your daughter would not come to Thanksgiving because she didn’t want to deal with the addict, say it. When everything has been aired, forgive each other without boundaries. Take back your family and your home.
Help your loved one to find the best program for them. Support their journey. But, make it clear that you and the other members of the family take back their world. There will be no retreat. The combination of caring and frankness will give them the best chance at getting clean and staying clean.