
Can Drug Addicts or Alcoholics Tell the Truth?

Alcoholics, Drug Addicts and the Truth If you have ever spent time with someone with a drug addiction problem then you know it’s hard to get a straight answer. Don’t blame yourself. Their stories are always so convincing. The Cycle of Lies You begin to really hate the person and hate yourself because you keep … Read more

Alcoholics Anonymous

Things I wish I knew about Alcoholics Anonymous

The misunderstood organization of Alcoholics Anonymous? Providing general information to people about Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a very complicated task for me.  That’s because it can be a polarizing (and sometimes delicate) subject. It shouldn’t be. In short — AA is a non-profit group that helps people with alcohol problems. There’s no leader, there are no religious … Read more


Helping the Alcoholic

Help for the Alcoholic – What your doctor won’t tell you The doctor can’t admit their confusion. How can someone who is reasonable in all areas of their life, act completely insane when it comes to a certain type of beverage. It’s hard to watch. How can someone with two Driving Under the Influence arrests … Read more